
Today, I went to a museum to see the most awesome statue in the world, David. It was really cool. He had so much detail, it was incredible. Then, we looked around and saw some other statues. Then, we left and went to this cafe after walking around this old church.

It was really cool.  Then we went and got gelato. After that, we went to another art museum, but this one had more paintings. We saw the Birth of Venus and Spring by Botticceli.

After that, we looked around at some other paintngs.  Then, we went back to the little town we have our house in.  We went to the store and bought more bread and cheese. I also played with  my favorite pup, Boo.

He is chewing on some straw, formally known as a stick, but this is all that’s left of it. I’m going to play with him again tomorrow. I can’t wait.  I might also go swimming and the pool water is really cold.  It’s freezing so I’m a little nervous to swim tomorrow.  Thanks for reading my blog.  I’ll write another post tomorrow.

© Knstrong 2013