The National Archives and Zoo

This morning, we started very early (for us) and met our good friend Paul near the National Archives.  Luckily, our guide was nice enough to let Paul join our tour, so we all got to stay together.  The room that houses the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence is amazing.  No cameras are allowed inside, but I found this picture online to show how these documents are displayed.  They are really faded and hard to read, but you can make out some of the important phrases and signatures.  It was actually incredible to see in person.

The Declaration of Independence is on the left, Constitution in the center, and Bill of Rights on the right.  We learned so much during our tour on the documents, the government’s archival process, and Unites States history in general. 

After the archives, we headed to the National Zoo.  We weren’t sure what to expect, having been to the San Diego Zoo so many times, but we were really pleasantly surprised.  It is free to the public, has great enclosures, pretty grounds, and we spent the entire rest of our day walking around and seeing the animals.  Just about all of the animals were out and we were able to get really close.  There were hardly any people there, so it felt like we had it to ourselves.

© Knstrong 2013